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Understand the cost and capital efficiency of futures contracts versus ETFs.

The Big Picture: A Cost Comparison of Futures and ETFs explores the cost of replicating S&P 500 total returns using equity index futures and ETFs across numerous use cases.

Download CME Group’s report on futures and ETFs: Futures Are Still on a Roll With the Buy-Side to learn:

  • Why E-mini S&P 500 futures are typically more cost-effective than S&P 500 ETFs when it comes to leveraged, short, and non-U.S. investors across all time zones

  • Why futures may be less expensive than ETFs by anywhere from 12.0 to 15.5bps, at the average roll level of 3mL to 5.7bps

  • The cost advantage of investing in futures versus exchange-traded funds for foreign investors

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Nulla ornare rhoncus erat et laoreet. Suspendisse pellentesque leo augue, nec consequat libero aliquam ac. Donec a metus turpis. Ut aliquet risus at nunc sollicitudin suscipit.